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Many are called, few are chosen

  • Every one of you is called but not every one of you is chosen- 2Timothy 1:9

  • God will call you and watch you carefully to see how faithful you are-2Peter 1:10

  • Only then will he choose you for service

  • Many are called , but few are chosen

  • When you find a potential called vessel you train them

  • The first step into ministry is found in Proverbs 23:26-''my son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to my ways''

  • We need to leave everything and follow Him- Elisha left his business, farming and followed Jesus. 1kings 19:19-21.

  • How many of us today go farming with twelve yoke of oxen?-








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  • It shows how rich Elisha was, but still managed to leave everything.

  • You need to say yes to Jesus

  • God tests your heart- Deut 8:2, Jer 17:10, prov 21:2

  • He will pull away from you to see if you will come after Him

  • Before qualifying, you go a series of tests

  • You will be taken through deserts of your life-in your business, family, Job, in every part of your life. God wants to know how you respond to situations, whether your situations will draw you closer to Him or away from Him.

  • We will be rewarded according to how we respond to our desert life, our situations

  • As much as it matters in what we do towards the surrounding, to God it matters more in how and why we do it, he searches our heart-Psalms 139: 1-4. He knows our motives, what is motivating us?                                                              

pair of oxen
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