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Who am I?

Have you gone a mile,trying to ask people whom you are? Just look back a very short period of time-your past 24 hrs.

You are what you think, you are what you feel, you are what you speak and do. What do you feed your mind with? If you feed your mind with news, you will speak news, you feed your mind with football, you speak football, you feed your mind with pornography or lust, you will not only speak them, you will support them-you will comment at them. You are what you speak and comment my brother and sister-nothing else. You are the message you give people through your profile picture, no wonder what you read in your inbox.

Just look at the posts you waste time commenting, you are what you comment at. Look at your 24 hrs, you are what you spend much of your time on. Jesus said, by their fruit you will know them-Matt 7:16, news begets news, football begets football, Spirit of the Lord begets fruit of the Spirit(gal 5 :22).

Feed your mind with what is good for people to say-you are a good man or woman, a God fearing person. What are you thinking or meditating upon? Analyze them with Philippians 4:8. Please change and respect the temple of the Holy Spirit-your body.

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