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Salvation by Righteousness

Salvation by Righteousness- "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Many have perished and so many others are in the hand of Satan because of this verse. They think no one is righteous and that heaven is by chance or that you never know who goes to heaven. The truth is Jesus came to redeem us from that verse-The blood of Jesus washed all that but to only those who believe (Rom 10:9, Acts 2:21, John 3:16) not everyone. The moment you receive Christ(saved), the "all have sinned" is gone- you have accepted Jesus as your Savior(salvation by grace). Jesus said, "follow me"-just receiving Jesus is not enough, unless you die right away as the criminal crucified together with Christ(Luke 23:42-grace salvation). We need to follow Jesus, accepting Him as our Lord, to let Him direct our lives hence a call to righteousness and it is then this righteousness that will save us. In Revelation 3:11, Jesus through John says hold fast what you have(He referred righteousness) so that no one takes your crown(salvation by righteousness). We need Jesus to maintain our salvation yet Jesus is now sited at the right hand of God in heaven. However, Jesus did not leave us alone(John 16: 7-8, 13-15)-we have the Holy Spirit my dear brothers and sisters and the moment we receive Christ, He the Holy Spirit fills our heart to maintain our Salvation (Ephesians 4:30). Remember, It is Him the Holy Spirit in our heart who will take us at the last day(rapture) to meet with Jesus in the air or clouds. Just as Jesus ascended to heaven via the Spirit so we will hence the need to maintain Him. Jesus is coming yes but not to step on this earth again or die second time but to take with Him the righteous through the Holy Spirit He gave us.
The question today is, are we filled with the Holy Spirit? Do we work to maintain him? How do we feed Him?
Next, we will talk more of Him, the Holy Spirit.

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