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When God says

When God says yes! Nobody says no. What belongs to you, no one can have and keep it. Sometimes he or she may just dare and test it-and when your time of glory comes, eish!!!
(1 Samuel 16:11-" for we will not sit down till he comes")
-it will not matter where you are, your promotion will have to wait for you
-it doesn't matter what you have, or what the company's protocol is, you will simply have it.
-its time, you don't need to chase favor,promotion and Gods blessings, you are simply an attraction to them-they will follow you and locate you where ever they might have hidden you.

You were neglected, unrecognized, hated, misunderstood-but each time you chose to do good, you planted a good seed and its time for your harvest-No one can stop it.

Say Amen to claim your harvest, your promotion, your favor-May you be located today in Jesus name!

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