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What are you living for

Will God challenge the devil for your life?
What is the purpose for your life? Why do you do whatever you do? Why do you go to church?
Do you go to church for blessings, or protection? What will happen then if you lose your job, business working no more or you no longer feel protected?

Your motive for everything you do is what will make God challenge the devil for you. Job 1:9-"does Job fear God for nothing?
The devil thought Job's faithfulness on God is dependent on the fact that God protects his family, livestock, finances and all his wealth. God had to prove the devil wrong by allowing Job to lose everything. Vs 12. Still Job worshiped the Lord.

What motives do we have for worshiping God? The purpose of everything we do on earth is to glorify the living God-John 17:4. He created everything and is in control, He deserves our praise and worship for who He is. May this truth help us to stand still in our hardships in Jesus name!

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