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Godly Marriage

You can't choose the type of family to be born but you can choose to establish the type of a family your children should be born to. A christian home is the basic unit of the society-the foundation. When the home falls, the church falls, and when the church falls, the nation falls.

Family relationship has to come first. Husbands, see God above you, you second, then your wife and children(Family). Your Ministry/work should come last. It is how God wanted it to be. The devil attacks what is the most important-Family relationship,
Gen 3:1 -" has your husband really say you shouldn't speak when he speaks?"

Just as Christ was to God, in the same way wives should be to their husbands- 1cor 11:3. Wives, learn from how Jesus submitted to the father. In the same way husbands, love as Jesus loved-Eph 5: 25.

In the series of Marriage and Family, we will learn more on how a Godly marriage or family should be-please share so that no one misses the answer to his or her marriage. God wants to restore your marriage.




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