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  • A trust is something we hold or keep for the benefit of others

  • God has entrusted us with a lot of things and we need to be faithful by utilizing them to serve Him/others-1Cor 4:2

  • We need to understand that we are just trustees and we have nothing for ourselves- Psalms 24:1, Gen 1: 28, 1 Cor 4: 7

  • We are uniquely shaped to serve in a specific way- 1Pet 4: 10

  • You are the part of the body and you need to serve as such- 1Cor 12:14-18

  • What does God wants you to be doing? Pray

  • No matter how small it is- use it faithfully- Luke 19:13, 16-26,  Luke 16:10

  • God wants you to be faithful as a mechanic under somebody before He lets you own a garage

  • Small things you do that are unseen, are the seeds to God's public blessing on your life.

  • How do you handle other people's money, possessions, ministries, businesses?

  • God will test your integrity, faithfulness where ever He puts you- be faithful and you will be rewarded.

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