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  1. POOR SELF IMAGE-Exodus 3:11

Our poor self-image is the hindrance to the will of God. We fail to obey God just because we feel to be nobody in the eyes of people. We need to remember that God created everything and can use just anybody. Most of the times He uses the so called weak just to take away our pride. Say yes to God today because competency to the task is for Him and not us.

  1. IGNORANCE OF GOD'S GREATNESS- Exodus 3:13-. . . "what is His name, then what should I say?"

The perfect will of God in our lives is the best we can desire and fight for it-it is our success but we can only fulfill it if we know the one leading us. We can only follow the one we know and we can back up the leading of the one we know. Our God has revealed Himself in the scriptures-Let us read the word and the light will shine towards our destiny.

  1. DOUBT-Exodus 4:1 . . , "what if they do not believe me"

Many of us have failed to reach our potentials because of doubt or fear of being understood. What matters in our lives it's what God is saying-how to do it or how to walk in it we leave it for God. If God says,  "rise up and walk" to our life situations then do it without hesitation or asking questions-OBEDIENCE its all we need.

  1. FEELING OF INADEQUACY-Exodus 4:10 . . ., "I am slow of speech and tongue"

Many of us are failing to grow spiritually because we feel not skilled enough. We have turned down God's invitation due to shyness, not fit-and have let others do it for us. Our lives are connected to fulfill the plan of God-Jer.29:11, the moment we turn down God's invitation and let others do our assignment-we delay our journey to the promises of God. God wants to use our weaknesses to show its all about Him and not our competencies. He equips those He has invited-All we need is to say, 'here I am Lord' and will provide all we need for the task.

  1. FEAR OF BEING A FAILURE- Daniel 3:18. . ., "but even if He does not serve us, we will not"

We tap everything from God by faith and faith is not based on victory alone or the outcome of the task but on the one sending us-His nature. The more we know him through scriptures, our faith grows.Most of us have let go the blessings of God in our lives because the devil filled our minds with 'fear of being a failure' which resulted in disobeying the Lord. Peter and John chose to obey God despite threats before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:19)-We need to follow suit,  let us be bold in Jesus today and He will be there to confirm our words.

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