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Holy Spirit 1

Holy Spirit-
Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the father and the Spirit of God the son. If we ever need a friend on this earth, a helper,protector, guider and someone we can talk to then we need the Holy Spirit. Moses talked to God directly, the disciples talked to Jesus while you and me need the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, be happy that I am going because it is only then we can experience the work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7-8).Take note of this, Jesus came on this earth as as a human like you and me. When He left Nazareth for Galilee, people in Nazareth suffered because He could not be in two places at the same time. The only person who is everywhere is The Holy Spirit. When we say God is everywhere we mean His Spirit. He is part and power of the Godhead-trinity. He was there in the creation (Gen 1:2). Take note, as we speak God the Father and God the Son are both in heaven. On this earth we have God the Holy Spirit. The only day the Holy Spirit will leave this earth is the day we will finaly be redeemed-our final salvation (Eph 4:30)and He will go with us to meet Jesus in the air. We need Him always in our hearts so that when that time comes, we have our precious friend to carry us to Jesus. Always in our hearts because the our is not known ,take hold of Him in our hearts (Rev 3:11).

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