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Scriptural encouragements-ongoing series


Episode 1


Are you at crossroads, or at the point of making a crucial decision?
Luke 22:42- "yet not my will but yours be done"
Its not bad to have our own interests, needs and wants but if we are to be successful and effective in our decision making, then the will of God has to be primary and our needs secondary.

We should pray like this: "My heavenly father, if it were my will, I would have chosen "A" but let your will happen. With patience, the plan of God floods your mind and take note-the will of God does not contradicts the scripture.


Episode 2


The power of the Holy Spirit is everywhere and readily available to fight for your situations-thus why Jesus said, be happy that am going as it is only then we can receive the Holy Spirit. I speak favor in your situations in Jesus name!!!


Episode 3


Jesus!! The redeemer of all.
When Jesus said " it is finished" John 19:30- He meant it. His blood covers everything. Our job, our marriages, our finances and its indeed salvation in everything-life in abundance John 10:10. Marriages need Jesus today for them to survive. Apply the blood of Jesus today.


Episode 4


Are you in hospital, with hope lost or in critical condition?not sure of your salvation? God's grace is just within your reach. It doesn't matter how much you have done but as long as you still have breath in you, then Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart (Rev 3: 20)-Receive Jesus today. Look at the criminal who was crucified together with Christ, (Luke 23: 42)- he found his way to paradise at the last hour just by opening his heart to Jesus without considering what he did out there. This was salvation by grace and this grace may be for you today-Just make a call.


Episode 5


Are you feeling down, discouraged or lost hope-
Then here is your prophecy from me even without ever meeting you:


God gave us the bible to encourage us, the bible is a mood elevator-Romans 15:4, .
-Are you per-occupied with problems? The bible in Jer 23:29 says, is not my word like a hammer? To break all your problems? or like fire, to consume all your issues?
Trust in God and you will rejoice in your situations.


Episode 6


What kind of a situation are you facing that requires a decision to be made?
2 Samuel 5: 18- David inquired of the Lord first before facing the Philistines. Where do you put God in your life and decision?

May you make God as your guidance and he will doubtless fight for you. Exodus 14:14.


Episode 7


Surrounded by so many enemies-an army that had never lost a battle, Hezekiah praised God before doing anything. (2 Kings 19: 15)- He took the matter to God, he sought God first in worship before asking anything.

Nothing is impossible with God- we can't do, but God can


Episode 8


WAITING ON GOD-Psalms 46:10

What do we do when God seems slow? Waiting is hard but the good thing is, it's not up to us-the Holy Spirit enables us to wait (Gal 5:5). Waiting is an invitation to stillness.

God took the kingdom from Saul because of his impatience-1Samuel 13:8-14
When God's people forgot Him and did not wait for His counsel, He sent wasting disease- Psalms 106: 13, 15

Dear Lord, teach me how to be still and wait in your presence. Teach me how important it is to listen for your still small voice in the midst of my daily routine.



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