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purpose for your life


This Week's Sermon catching points- 16th July, 2017

This week our minister talked about the purpose of our life.

  • it was more of why Christians go to church, or why worship God-Job 1: 9, 12, 2: 9-10

  • we should not go to church for blessings, favor or protection from God

  • should we feel not protected-losing our job or finances, then we will stop worshiping

  • But rather-for His glory, worshiping and praising Him, for who He is, the creator and in control of everything -John 4:34, John 17: 4

  • Job lost everything yet he still worshiped God

  • Receiving Jesus means accepting to be the child of God. As children of God we should also accept His disciplining and training.

  • Christianity without test is not genuine, the bigger the test the bigger the promotion-the crown.

  • the crown is for those who stick still- 2Tim 4:7

  • what we learn from hardships- 2 cor 12:7-10, God is in control, He prioritizes our spiritual being and His grace is sufficient for us.

  • If God does not provide a way out, He will provide a way through our problems.

  • strategy of the devil- he will not destroy our everything, He can break our leg leaving our conscious mind to curse God. Job 1:19

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