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Preparation for power ministry

  1. Check your motives- what you do to God is important and why you do it is even more important. Acts 8- Simon the sorcerer.

  2. Strengthen your relationship with God- our ministry for God will never be stronger than our relationship with Him. Our ministry is what God says we are to Him.

  3. Increase your understanding- you need to read and study about the subject-power ministry, read books by anointed authors. Reading the gospels and Acts- remember, the Bible was written by the Holy Spirit.

  4. Submit to the will of God- God will anoint only His plans, Mark 16: 15-20

  5. Gain experience- both spiritual and practical. Spiritually start with being a born again-John 3:3-7, Acts 19:13-16. Practically, you need to be ministering by working with an experienced minister and please take note: you need Moses to be Joshua, you need Elijah to become Elisha and you need Paul to become Timothy-thus how it works. You need to experience both success and failure, then you evaluate yourself.

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