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Husband as the head

Godly male leadership is in high demand but low supply.
1 cor 11:3, Eph 5: 23
Husbands!! We need Jesus to take the headship role in our marriages. Husbands headship must not just focus on decision making but on leadership, love, protection, giving and caring.

Husbands need to take the lead and as the leader you need to start loving (Eph 5:25)-lead and initiate the love in your marriages, I tell you that would be the start of a Godly marriage. If you love, women will have no problem to submit (Eph 5:22).
Wives will not submit to a cruel and oppressive dictator or someone who exercises power in a cruel way. The authority is on your head yes but it must be exercised with love. This world needs spiritual leaders in marriages, the demand for male spiritual leaders in marriages is high but in short supply.

Just look around in churches and small Christian gatherings-few men and leaving only women to learn the word. Its a problem-how are you going to lead without the word? Lets wake up and lead our families according to the word of God- Lets follow Jesus

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