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Developing a power ministry

There is no success in ministry without power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8, 4-Jesus instructed the disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they have received the Holy Spirit.

This passage talks of the Holy Spirit specifically for ministry. These disciples/apostles were born again hence previously filled (indwelling) with the Holy Spirit and this outpouring of the Holy Spirit was specially for ministry. In this teaching, we are going to look at elements of power ministry


  1. Anointing-   the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, comes when the Spirit rests upon a believer involved in ministry. This is the first thing for power ministry which will bring and maintain other elements of power ministry.

  2. Faith-           ability to believe God for the miraculous-Matt 14:28-29, Acts 3:4. Faith believes and it develops upon acting on the word.

  3. Boldness-    willingness to take a spiritual risk, risk can bring possible failure and humiliation-Acts 14:10, what if the man had not walked? Paul would have been humiliated, his ministry going down or finished but was bold in faith. Power ministry involves taking risks.

  4. Divine guidance- discerning the will of God in a situation must come before bold actions. God will not bless any action taken outside of His will. John 5:19-20, john 8:28, John 12:49, John 5:1-20. Jesus did not heal anyhow, He healed because thus how the Spirit guided Him.

  5. Humility- ability to see ourselves as God sees us as we really are. Rom 12:3, Phil 2:3- take the Christlike character. Power ministry is filled with great temptations to become prideful. Acts 14:11-13, Luke 10:17, 20.

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