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why we fast and how

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that helps us center our attention on the Lord and discover his will so we may act according to it-it brings us closer to God-strengthens us so that we remain equipped for anything unknown ahead of us. Jesus was tempted after his 40 days of fasting and managed to contain the demands of the devil since it was time when He was closest to God. Fasting should involve total denying of ourselves-abstaining from food as well as various activities we usually do for a certain period of time one may desire. The purpose is to remain strong in God because we never know the kind of challenge we might face but since the Spirit of the Lord knows, He may direct us into it. Sometimes we may purposefully go into fasting to seek God and know His will in a particular situation and among other things:

Seeking God-2 Chron. 20:1-4, Esther 4:16,

Interceding for others-the unsaved, nation, sick and those in any trouble-God answers prayer yes but when it comes to interceding for others-we move the heart of God and answers are manifested quickly since we are like taking the role of his son Jesus when he was on earth and even heaven-laying down our lives for a friend- sacrificing our comfort for others-Nehemiah 1:4, Jonah 3:4-10

To understand, focus or ask for clarification-vision, Dan 9:2-3

Self examination and consecration-Lev 23:27,

Humbling ourselves upon hearing the wrath or judgement of God-1 Kings 21:27-29, Asa died because he did not humble himself before the Lord-2 Chronicles

You can fast for a day, three days, or as many days as 21 or 40. you can have a full fast-drinking only liquids, or partial fast-taking only fruits and vegetables like Daniel-water and juice. Partial as to sun top to sundown. A forty day fast is to seek God for greater sense of authority-where it has been lost, as in Jesus fast-Matt 4.

As Christians, we need to go into fasting at least once in a week for us to remain strong in God-even if there is non to pray for. Lets equip ourselves and remain strong in the Lord.

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